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The most popular sneakers of the 80s are back in style. Yup, we’re talking about those Adidas Superstar you couldn’t take off as a teenager. If you are lucky enough to have kept a pair, its time to pull them out of the closet.
These rounded three stripe sneakers are as fashionable now as when they first were released four decades ago.
In today’s post we are going to give you some advice on how to find the best Adidas Superstar. As you may already know, AliExpress is the ideal place to find cheap Adidas sneakers, but before we get into details, remember that AliExpress offers both originals and Chinese replicas.
To avoid these last ones, pay close attention to what we have to say in this article. We will also be talking about the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in AliExpress as opposed to other similar platforms such as Amazon or eBay.
How to know if the Adidas Superstar sneakers in AliExpress are original or replicas
If you are looking for original Adidas Superstar sneakers at a cheaper retail price, just type “original Adidas Superstar” in the AliExpress search tab. You’ll get results for both original Superstar and replicas. Results vary from day to day, some days you’ll find them, while others they’ll be harder to find.
Main reason for this is the so called Express Shops: sellers open a shop and sell all the replicas they can before AliExpress can close them down. A lot of times they even get closed down before customers have time to leave any reviews. So if you see shops that look like this, it’s probably an express shop.
However, if you do get lucky, after typing “Adidas Superstar” in the search tab, you’ll find dozens of sellers offering originals with much better prices than the ones shown bellow ;).
As you can see, it really isn’t that hard to tell apart the originals. Not only will the description of the product include the word “original” or “100% original”, the price will also be up to five times more. Furthermore, originals usually feature an icon created by AliExpress to guarantee the authenticity of the product.
If a product features this icon, rest assured, the product you are purchasing is 100% original. In fact, if you don’t get an original, the seller will have to refund you the full price of the product. In short: just check the price, this is the best indicator as fakes will be exceedingly cheaper than any other AliExpress sneaker.
Among all these Chinese sellers, which one is the best?
Another thing that makes sellers doubtful about AliExpress is the quality of their products. That’s why we always insist on looking for a seller with good feedback. Also, if you are having any doubts, just contact the seller directly: they’ll be happy to give you any information you might need before making your purchase.
The first rule for shopping in AliExpress is to check these three things:
- Number of sales.
- Ratings.
- Comments left by previous customers.
If you can’t find a shop with ratings, make the purchase anyway (in the rare case that you do get a fake, AliExpress will reimburse you the full amount of your purchase). To check if they have ratings, sort the results by “Sales” and check if any of the results feature stars.
If they have at least one rating, it means that the seller has been on AliExpress at least a couple of weeks, this gives the customers enough time to receive the products and rate them.
AlixBlogger advice: read the reviews
Perhaps one of the most important steps to follow is to check what other customers have to say. To do this just click on the stars to see something like this:
Not only is this a way to confirm that various customers have received their Superstar and they are indeed good quality. It’s also a good way to determine the right size, as you won’t be able to try them on. That’s why, unless you have a pretty good idea of what your size is with that brand, the best course to follow, before making a purchase, is to contact the seller/read comments by previous customers.
Furthermore, some customers post real pictures of the product they received. If a picture has been posted, you can sort the results to only see the comments featuring pictures:
If you want any more advice or have any doubts just leave us a comment, we’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible ;).
Can you recommend any other shops to purchase cheap Adidas Superstar?
If you are having trouble finding Adidas Superstar in AliExpress, you think they are too expensive or you can’t find a seller you trust, there’s a few other options to buy these sports sneakers for cheaper than usual.
Even will all its good advantages, one of the biggest down sides of shopping in AliExpress is shipping time. Because they come from China, the package tends to take quite longer than if you were to make a purchase from Amazon, eBay or Asos. Therefore, if you haven’t found any Superstar you like in AliExpress, just take a look at the these other shops and compare prices.
On Amazon they are all original and very well priced!
If you are wondering where to buy original Adidas Superstar at the best price, our advice is pretty straightforward: get them in Amazon.
You can find them in AliExpress, but original Superstar tend to be more expensive than in Amazon. If this is the case, it’s probably a better idea to get them in Amazon as you can get them for cheaper and much quicker than if they have to be sent from China.
You can find them on Amazon for something in between 60€ or 90€ depending on the size and model:
Free shipping, get your product tomorrow
Amazon has a very interesting offer going on at the moment. If you sign up for Amazon Prime, the shipment is free and you can get them the next day ;). If you decide to do this, remember to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime once you have received the product. If not you will be charged for the service at the end of the trial.
Adidas Superstar on eBay and Asos – Outlet discounts
Another option you have is to look up shops such as eBay and Asos, they almost always have very good discounts. You probably already know about eBay, but you might not be so familiar with Asos, if this is the case, let me tell you it’s a macro online outlet with an incredible range of quality products at incredible discounts.
Asos: original products, free shipping and occasional discounts
This outlet is slowly becoming one of the best known all over the world. It’s certainly established itself as one of the main platforms to find cheap branded products: Their discounts are incredibly good and they have excellent customer service.
The advantage of Asos is that you won’t have to worry if the Adidas Superstar are fake or not, because all their stock is 100% authentic. The reason for this is that they have macro warehouses, so they don’t ever use external sellers. This means they have a lot more control other the quality and authenticity of their products. Another advantages is that shipping is fast and if you have any problems you can return your purchase for free.
The down side to the advantage of shipping, customer service and product quality is that, as you can see, Adidas Superstar in Asos tend to be slightly more expensive than other online shops.

eBay: second hand sneakers, outlets and some replicas
If you are going to make a purchase from eBay, make sure you select the option “New in package” this way you will only get results for completely new products.
Make sure you keep a close eye, as eBay also has replicas! They are pretty easy to identify as they are infinitely cheaper than the originals. The price for replicas might be tempting, but personally we think you should avoid it as seller here are using a technique called drop shipping.
Drop shipping is when you make an order from a seller than doesn’t have any inventory. With the money you send them, they contact another company (in this case usually a Chinese replica company), purchase a product and tell the suppliers to send it to you.
If you are looking for original Superstar sneakers for a good price on eBay, our advice is that you type in Adidas Superstar Original in the search tab. One you do this, click on the option “New” and sort them by price. You’ll results will look something like this:
Make sure you pay close attention to shipping price. If it’s too expensive, try buying them from Amazon or Asos, where shipping is free.
Are they for men, women or unisex?
Seeing how many of you have been asking us this, we felt the need to add this section. As a general rule they tend to be unisex. The only difference sellers make when it comes to Adidas Superstar sneakers is if they are for children (junior) or for adults. Unlike the official Adidas website, which makes a distinction between “men” and “women”, some sneakers sold in AliExpres, Amazon, eBay and Asos are one model for both women and men.
All in All: where can I get some cheap good quality ones?
Our personal opinion is that if you want to purchase some cheap quality Adidas Superstar you have 4 basic options. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so it will mostly depend on which shop you consider best suited to your needs. One thing is clear, if you want to get your sneakers as soon as possible, Amazon and Asos are the best platforms for this. If, on the other hand, you are looking to purchase some cheap Superstar then try AliExpress or eBay.
I LOve supper star