Do you need to get in touch with Shein customer service? This store offers various contact methods. If you prefer to speak over the phone, here's how to do it and what Shein customer service number is.
Can I contact Shein by phone?
Although they don't have a direct phone number, Shein provides telephone customer service for its clients. However, this option is only available in some countries, typically in Europe, such as Italy, France or Spain.
Here are the telephone support options available in the main English-speaking countries:
- USA and Canada: Phone support is not available for this country. Only chat Monday through Sunday from 8 AM until 5 PM (PST time) and email.
- Canada: Phone support not available. Chat available Monday to Sunday from 9 AM to 3 PM (+1D) and email.
- UK: Call service not available. Chat available Monday to Sunday from 9 AM to 10 PM and email.
- Africa: Phone support not available. Email only.
- Australia: No call service available. Chat available Monday to Sunday from 11 AM to 8 PM (Canberra time) and email.
- Ireland: Call service not available. Chat available Monday to Sunday from 9 AM to 6 PM (UCT time) and email.
To check if Shein provides phone support in your country, you need to visit Shein customer service page, just click here to check it. At the bottom of the page, you'll see the available contact methods.
You can also use Shein customer service chat. Initially, a bot will answer the most common questions and get in touch with an agent if you need it.
What information should I have ready?
To ensure a smooth conversation, we recommend having all the information related to your order handy: order number, user email, tracking number, anything necessary for the agent to verify your request and assist in resolving your issue.
Is it better to contact Shein by phone?
Phone support is more personal and human, so many people prefer this contact method, although you can reach Shein through other means. Additionally, if a problem hasn't been resolved with the contact method you have choosed, try to reach out Shein through an alternative channel.
Shein isn't calling me, what can I do?
If telephone customer service is available in your country and you have requested the service but haven't received a call, don't worry. The call service may sometimes be overwhelmed. In such cases, we recommend using other contact methods. Below, we provide more details on the various contact options and how best to reach Shein.
Other ways to contact them
If phone support isn't available in your country, here are other options to reach customer service.
Shein customer service chat is very convenient. Initially, you'll chat with a bot that tries to answer your most common questions. If it doesn't resolve your doubts, it offers the option to contact an agent through available contact methods at that time.
You can submit a ticket via the chat. You'll receive a response in less than 24 hours. You'll need to choose the category of your inquiry and write the message. But this contact method doesn't allow attaching files.
Social Media
Shein also has profiles on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. You can contact them by sending a private message. If it's regarding a purchase already made, remember to include the order number.
Although this option isn't listed on the Shein page, you can use the address to contact Shein. They usually respond within 48 hours, but only answer from Monday to Friday.
When to contact Shein?
You can address any questions or issues you have to Shein's customer service:
- If you have inquiries before placing an order
- When encountering payment problems
- In case of issues with your shipment
- If you can't access your account
- When the product you've purchased differs from your expectations
If your inquiry is related to issues with the courier company or customs, you might need to speak with the company handling it for further information.