How to search for a Shein product by ID

If you have the ID of a Shein product and you don't know how to find it on the Shein website or app, today we have the solution.

We just developed this Google Chrome extension that does two things:

  • Search by image in Shein.
  • Search by code in Shein.

It's very simple and completely free. Now we tell you how to install it and how it works.

How to install the extension

You can install it completely free by clicking here. Just click on “Add to Chrome”:

You can only use it in the Google Chrome browser on your computer.

Doesn't it work on mobile?

You can't use it on mobile, but if you use the Chrome app you can install it so that it appears later on your computer. You will see this:

Hit “Add to computer” and, if you have the same Google account open on both devices, the extension will sync with your computer.

In addition, we recommend you to pin the extension in the browser by clicking on the puzzle piece icon and then on the thumbtack icon:

This way you will be able to access the extension easily:

But let's get to the important stuff: here's exactly how it works.

How to search for a product on Shein by ID

Let's say you've seen on Instagram that this Zara shirt is available on Shein (and quite a bit cheaper) under ID 1435253:

To find that product, just click on the extension icon, hit “By ID”, enter the code and click on “Search on Shein”:

Immediately the extension will take you to the product page:

Extra: search by image

But the most useful feature of the extension is its other functionality: search by image.

Just right click on any image you find online (in AliExpress, in Zara…) and click on “Search on Shein”:

And a box with the most similar Shein products will be opened:

If the image you are interested in is not on a website (for example, if a friend sent it to you), you can download it to your computer and upload the file by clicking on “Upload image”:

We hope you find this little tool useful!

Install free extension

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